Running a contest soon? Whether Powerlifting, Strongman or Olympic Weightlifting, your competitors are almost always separated into weight classes, meaning you need to weigh them. An accurate scale is required.
Scales have two variables.... capacity, and accuracy. A kitchen scale may go up to 5 kg but be very accurate, like 1/10 of a gram. Generally speaking, as the capacity goes up, the accuracy goes down. A scale that goes up to 250 kg in 100 gram increments (100.1, 100.2,100.3 etc) is common. 50 grams is less common (100.00, etc) and usually go up to 150 or 200 kg. Less common, and more expensive is 20 gram accuracy (100.00, 100.02, 100.04 etc) but these usually go to just 120 or 140 kg max.
Our scale goes up to 300 kg, big enough for the largest lifters, and is accurate to TEN grams. So you'll get 100.00, 100.01, 100.02 and so on. Scales like this often sell for $1000 plus. Ours is just $399.95
Rechargable battery built in.