Collection: All Bars and Weights
Bars and Weights
There is nothing more fundamental to strength training than the bar you use and the weights you put on them.
We will not sell you a $75 bar. They may look great, but you might as well use a bar made from rolled up tin foil. They will bend much too easily, and are usually highly chromed and much too smooth and slippery. Does this mean you need a $1500 Eleiko bar? No, certainly not.
Our new line of StrongArm bars are custom designed by us, using premium quality steel, and are the best bars that you can buy at their price level, and we'd put them up against ANY bar you can buy, at ANY price. The "Standard" bar is a great entry point bar if you want a medium knurl, and are not squatting 1000 lbs. If you want a strong bar with more aggressive knurl, go for the Strongarm Power bar. If it's an IPF Approved bar you need, the TITEX bar has been used extensively at UASPL Championships, including Blaine Sumner's 500 KG World Record. The heaviest squat EVER in the IPF. (at the time at least)
Specialty bars are very popular these days, like our new Buffalo 2.0 bar, on par with the Duffalo bar at 3 times the price. Deadlift bars also, longer, thinner and whippier than a regular power bar, in two styles.
For weights, we are particularly proud of our StrongArm Calibrated plates. They are made to the exacting specifications the IPF requires in every way at the lowest price point you'll find anywhere.
All of our kilo calibrated plates are now legal for use in any CPU meet, of any level.
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